Reality Check
A series of wax pastel rubbings on paper, framed.

The Reality Check series is comprised of rubbings made from the What Remains Hidden collages.
Most of the pieces in the series are created using a single color of wax pastel on thin mulberry paper, and measure approximately 40 x 30 inches framed.
A few of the pieces were made on different types of paper and some include materials such as tape and thread. Numbers 1-9 in the series come from What Remains Hidden #1-14.

Reality Check #1
Wax pastel rubbing on paper,
40 x 30 in. framed

Reality Check #2
Wax pastel rubbing on paper,
40 x 30 in. framed

Reality Check #3
Wax pastel rubbing on paper,
40 x 30 in. framed

Reality Check #4
Wax pastel rubbing on paper,
40 x 30 in. framed

Reality Check #5
Wax pastel rubbing on paper,
40 x 30 in. framed

Reality Check #6
Mixed media rubbing on paper,
40 x 30 in. framed

Reality Check #8
Mixed media rubbing on paper,
30 x 40 in. framed

Reality Check #9
Mixed media rubbing on paper,
30 x 40 in. framed
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